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Marriage Preparation in English Online - May


Marriage preparation course in English in a small group

If you are not able to participate in a Marriage preparation course in Swedish held by the Pastoral Family team, you are welcome to sign up for a course in English online. We will meet together one evening via Microsoft Teams, and the next week we will meet just you and your future spouse for a follow up.
Before the meetings you will do written exercises and watch some videos.
We will cover among other things:
• Male and female He created them: theological foundation
• Matrimony as a sacrament – what does it mean?
• What is a Catholic marriage?
• Leading a Christian married life
• Living together, growing together, openness to life and sexuality
The couple must register individually.
Course leaders are Lisa and Magnus Wetterberg, Family councellors from the Pastoral Family Team of the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm. If you want to contact Lisa and Magnus, send an e-mail to [email protected]
There is an administration fee for taking the course. You will get an invoice by email from Studieförbundet Bilda for 100 SEK per person before the course starts.

Eventuell dokumentation under arrangemanget

Under enstaka tillfällen skickar vi en fotograf till våra arrangemang, i syfte att dokumentera verksamheten för vår verksamhetsberättelse eller att samla material för att marknadsföra framtida arrangemang av samma typ. I dessa fall kommer vi att informera om detta i förväg, i samband med anmälan. All eventuell dokumentation sker i samförstånd och tillåtelse med samtliga deltagare. Läs vår integritetspolicy här.

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